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Phoenix Baker

Sex Education: Could Consent Classes Help End Harassment? Empty Sex Education: Could Consent Classes Help End Harassment?

Sat Oct 23, 2021 3:15 pm
In the school library, a group of young teens is discussing sexual harassment.
They're talking about different scenarios and whether the individual involved can ever agree to them - whether it's holding hands, posting images on social media, or being followed.
It's part of a consent and sexual harassment lesson in Year 9 at Firth Park Academy in Sheffield, where talk has moved to the deaths of Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa, who were both slain while walking alone at night.

Frankie Arundel, the class's instructor, is pleased that sex education is now required for secondary school students in England.

"It's very timely." Sexual harassment and violence against women are very much on people's minds, and we want to make sure that students feel comfortable and that they know how to protect themselves if they have any concerns," she adds.

"I believe it's great that it's now a law." I understand there was opposition, but it has been debated and is now law.

"It offers children the opportunity to learn about these things from experts who are trained and know what they're talking about, rather than from one of their buddies who may have overheard something."
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Join date : 2021-11-14

Sex Education: Could Consent Classes Help End Harassment? Empty Re: Sex Education: Could Consent Classes Help End Harassment?

Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:43 pm
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