Brain Aero
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Join date : 2022-07-20

How to Improve Your Speed in Butterfly Click Test Empty How to Improve Your Speed in Butterfly Click Test

Sat Aug 20, 2022 3:34 pm
In comparison to other techniques, the butterfly Click Test is unique. Set both fingers on the mouse's right side; first, beat the mouse with one finger, then raise your second finger. You then click with your second finger and hold your first finger in the air. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must act quickly. Players have 10 seconds to click using the butterfly clicking method. In the first five seconds, try to hit more quickly, and then maintain that momentum for the next five seconds. With more and more practice, you will be able to achieve a high score. Learn more about click per second on our website CM Agile. The site also provides information about different methods for testing clicking speed.
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